Years ago a nurse-midwife told me that the highest rates of unplanned pregnancies happen in the teens and surprisingly, for women in their 40’s. There is so much emphasis on infertility and [...]
You are entering the transition to motherhood. Maybe you are pregnant already, maybe you can feel your baby coming closer and your whole system is organizing to prepare. You are becoming [...]
Is getting a “good” kid the luck of the draw? Driving with a friend yesterday I was complimenting her on her parenting skills. Her daughter is graduating from High School this year [...]
What are ghost babies? Would you believe that when you have a miscarriage or abortion, sometimes the soul of the baby lingers? It can get stuck. Some people call these ghost babies. Ghost babies [...]
Is it time to let go? If you have experienced a miscarriage, still birth, or your pregnancy terminated for another reason, it is important to honor your experience and to actively grieve and let [...]
Q/A Do my babies want to come in a particular birth order? This morning I received a question from a reader having to do with birth order that you may also be curious about. She wrote: I listened [...]
Supporting Your Child’s Unique Purpose Just like you, your child incarnates with a unique purpose. Part of your role as a mom is to understand this and hold space for this. You don’t have [...]
Letting Love flow. New paradigm Love and social networks. Re-configuring your love paradigm. You have an unprecedented opportunity on Earth NOW to move from relating from the solar plexus to [...]
It’s powerful and can be confusing or overwhelming when you receive images or information with your extra senses. You might wonder what it means, who the being is, and what to do about it. [...]
Messing with Mitochondrial DNA: What Are these Babies Influencing? When I first began working with women on their fertility journey and as I was getting to know these babies, everything was [...]