Years ago a nurse-midwife told me that the highest rates of unplanned pregnancies happen in the teens and surprisingly, for women in their 40’s. There is so much emphasis on infertility and dropping fertility rates as women move into their late thirties and early 40’s, but not as much talk about the surge in fertility that can happen as our hormones once again become a bit whacky as we move into the next big transition and life phase away from our reproductive prime.
If you didn’t expect that you were fertile at all or at a particular phase in your cycle and find yourself pregnant, what do you do? You may already have children or already have chosen to not have them. You may feel elated, you may feel a mix of things…fear, dread, exhilaration, joy, ambivalence.
So what do you do?
My recommendation is to connect with the soul and get some information. Begin having a dialogue with this soul. It is 100% OK to bond with this being even if you aren’t decided about the outcome. You can do this however you like, and if you don’t already have it, download our PDF and in 8 days you will receive a meditation to connect with your baby.
You can be curious. With a connection you can ask questions including…
- Why are you here?
- Why are you here now?
- What is your Purpose?
- Are you connected (karmically, with regard to Purpose) to me, to the baby Daddy, or both?
If you do this, really listen with an open mind and heart.
You can then share your own Purpose, your vision for your life. You can make sure this soul knows about your dreams and plans. You can assert that this relationship is a co-creation.
If after this exchange of love and communication. After you have really received and understood to the best of your ability what this is all about, you can take your next steps with much more clarity and confidence.
You might be surprised at what you learn.
We as souls and your baby spirits have a bigger picture in mind. I have seen babies come in for a time and leave through miscarriage for a variety of reasons, too. For example, coming to try on being in a body and planning to come back later, or coming as a guide to initiate an awakening in the mother. There is a lot going on at the soul level that is often not conscious when we are navigating decisions and challenges.
Consider your pregnancy a miracle, trust that you have what it takes to make the right decisions for you and also for this soul. It’s an act of mothering to do so, regardless of the outcome. You can invoke your Soul and Greater Consciousness, as well as the souls of all involved and ask for the highest outcomes for all.
Also related:
Meditations: Energetic Alignment for Motherhood
Podcast episodes ADOPTION: A DIVINE ORCHESTRATION and Who’s Womb is it Anyway.