For years I’ve been meeting women like you at this juncture where our paths intersect. It’s a pleasure to welcome you.

From your heart and soul you have called out, “I want to be a mother.” This seed that you have set forth is like a vector into the Universe and what comes barreling back to you will be uniquely yours to navigate. Your journey is going to require trust and faith, and you might have some bumps along the way as well as a myriad of joys.

And here you are.

Similarly,  when I consciously sent out a call from my heart and soul having to do with my purpose, my Big Why, I invoked a new phase of my life and career. At the time I had no idea of the adventure that lay before me.

And here I am.

This work I offer you is the result of years integrating the information I received in 2009.

In those years I have walked my own path with baby beings that wanted to incarnate through me. I have worked with women to help them get pregnant naturally or with medical assistance, to overcome multiple miscarriage and have a healthy baby, or to create a family through adoption.

While every woman’s journey to motherhood is unique, in my years of working with women like you, there are processes that the guides did with every woman, and other processes that some but not all women needed. I began to observe why some women got pregnant or carried to term after having miscarriages and others did not.

What I know now is that my work is not for everyone. But for the women and babies that it is for, it’s needed. Because of this I’ve created a podcast and low cost classes and meditations, and now this blog so that every baby spirit and every woman who needs this support can receive it.

If you are here, my guess is there is a baby who needs something within these virtual pages, and that you are holding the tools you need to help him or her join the family you are co-creating.

Thanks for being here. Thanks for embarking on one of the most universal and individual, sacred journeys you can choose as a human being, sponsoring a soul and becoming a mother.

My whole body just now rippled with a wave of shivers as I thought of you. See, feel, sense our hands clasping. I am here with you now to share what I’ve learned. I am transferring my knowledge to you and holding space for you to create your family in the way that is right for you. You will receive what is yours and leave the rest. Your baby is here with us, and I welcome your baby/babies too.

I am grateful for your courage, your awareness, and your love.

I honor you.

With love,


(you can read more about my journey to you, my story in the about section).

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